10. It is very satisfying to view published blog posts
9. I can develop in my passion and interest for writing through research and publishing blog posts
8. I have the opportunity to write about writing
7. My writing is not restricted by specific assignments/prompts
6. (Although I am yet to have any comments on my posts), as soon as my blog posts are commented on, I will be able to discuss writing with other individuals that share my appreciation for literature
5. (As monochromatic as the Blogger themes are), I am able to customize and personalize my blog
4. My creativity is strained thinking of blog posts - even though it is only Day Two
3. Breaks are not dictated by the ringing of a bell
2. My summer break does not solely involve sleeping in/taking naps1. I have an excuse to drown myself in caffeinated drinks - especially
During the academic school year, I was assigned a project with a similar premise. This "Top Ten" list was assigned for my Modern World History class and consisted of a compiled list of reasons relating to the historic downfall of an empire. Thus, I was inspired to produce my second blog post, in which I listed the primary reasons I enjoy blogging. However, do you have any suggestions that you would like to add to this list? If so, please comment in the area below. I would like to hear all suggestions.
(Although this is a drawing of a coffee cup, I prefer tea.) |
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